Applying concrete ciré: how to do it

Advantages of concrete ciré

✔ Low maintenance
✔ Aesthetic
✔ Tough look of a concrete floor
✔ Suitable for underfloor heating
✔ Available in different colors


Floor system

✔ Primer
✔ Basic
✔ resin
✔ Pigment
✔ PU top coat

The ready-made concrete ciré package contains all materials for the floor system.

Substrate preparation

✔ Sander or angle grinder with diamond bowl
✔ Construction vacuum cleaner

Applying the concrete ciré

✔ Gloves (1 pair per layer)
✔ Mixing Bucket (1 per layer)
✔ Mixing bar
✔ Drilling Machine or Mixing Machine
✔ Brush (1 per layer)
✔ Nylon roller for epoxy primer
✔ Flat trowel and/or tooth trowel
✔ PU roller for PU top coat

We recommend applying concrete ciré with 2 people.


Before you get started with the application of concrete ciré, you should make the following preparations:

Check the packaging

Check the substrate

For every centimeter that a new subfloor is thick, you should count on 1 week of drying time.

2. The subfloor must be dry

The maximum moisture percentage depends on the type of substrate:

✔ Concrete: <4%
✔ Sand cement: <2.5%
✔ Plaster-bound: <0.5%

You can promote the drying process of an anhydrite subfloor by sanding off the andhydrite skin.

Do you have underfloor heating? Then follow the heating protocol.

3. The subfloor must be flat

Damage to the subfloor should be repaired and paint and glue residues should be sanded away. We recommend the following products for this:

Small cracks and imperfections: epoxy filler
Larger holes: epoxy repair mortar
Openings along skirting boards, sills and heating pipes: acrylate sealant

4. The surface must be clean and free of grease

In order for the concrete to adhere properly, the substrate must be free of grease.

✔ Lubrication and oil spots: sprinkle cat litter on this. These suck up the fat.
✔ Stubborn stains: use POWER cleaner and/or ammonia.
✔ Dust and dirt: with a vacuum cleaner and a soft broom you can make the floor dust-free.
✔ Cement veil: the substrate can still be provided with a so-called cement veil. Remove these with a diamond sander.

Conditions for the environment

The conditions in which you process the concrete ciré must be optimal in connection with the durability and reaction of the materials. Therefore, keep the following in mind:

The right temperature:

✔ Minimum: 15 °C
✔ Maximum: 30°C
✔ Optimal: 20 °C

The right humidity:

✔ About 80%

Set up a separate workplace

Create a separate workplace, preferably outside the area where you will be installing concrete ciré. Cover the floor with a tarp or plaster so that you can work cleanly. This is to prevent you from spilling loose components on the subfloor.

Tape everything off

Are there walls, table legs or other objects that should not be placed on concrete ciré? Then paste it off.

Divide the space

Make a plan of action and divide the space in your head according to the amount of material in the cans. The content is suitable for a limited number of square meters. This way you know how thick you should apply the leveling compound.

Get everything ready

Have you checked off the checklist? Prepare all materials and tools. Do you work with two people? Then divide the tasks.

Applying concrete ciré

Drying time:
Depends per layer.

Total time:
Allow about 1 day per layer.

Day 1: Apply the primer layer

✔ 1. Mix the primer by shaking the canister.
✔ 2. Pour everything into a clean bucket.
✔ 3. Start applying the primer layer at the edges. Do this with a brush or small roller.
✔ 4. Apply the primer to the rest of the floor.
✔ 6. Next coat: after 18 hours and within 36 hours.

NB! Check the processing time of the products before you get started!

Apply 1st layer of concrete ciré

Ratio: 1st layer approx. 1.2 kg/m2

✔ 7. Add the pigment to the resin. Shake it well.
✔ 8. Strain the base.
✔ 9. Due to the short processing time, it is best to work in parts. Therefore weigh the correct amount per floor section per component.
✔ 10. Starting with the first section, combine the measured colored resin and base in a clean bucket. Blend for a few minutes with a mixing stick.
✔ 11. Pour the mixture onto the floor and spread it out with a flat trowel or notched trowel. Make large strokes in the shape of half moons.
✔ 12. Do this per section and in this way provide the floor with the first layer.

Apply 2nd layer of concrete ciré

Ratio: 2nd layer 0.8 kg/m2

✔ 13. When the first layer is touch dry, apply the second layer.
✔ 14. Work in the same way as the first layer and measure everything again by section.
✔ 15. Also apply the second coat – in large strokes – with a flat trowel or notched trowel. This will be the final structure of the floor.
✔ 16. Allow this layer to dry for 24 hours.

Next day: apply sealer

✔ 17. Sand the floor with 100-150 grit sandpaper.
✔ 18. Clean the floor with a slightly damp cloth.
✔ 19. Apply the seal
✔ 20. Apply the sealer with a PU roller.
✔ 21. Then scrub the floor with a white pad.
✔ 22. Allow the sealer to dry for a minimum of 4 to a maximum of 24 hours.

Next day: apply the PU topcoat

✔ 23. Mix components separately with a mixing stick.
✔ 24. Pour components A + B together and mix for 3 minutes.
✔ 25. Pour everything into a clean bucket, mix again for 1 minute.
✔ 26. Start by applying the topcoat at the edges. Do this with a brush or small roller.
✔ 27. Pour the remaining material into strips. Roll out crosswise for an even result.

Extra information

We would like to request that you collect and reuse the product residues as much as possible. Do not allow residues to enter drains, open water or soil.

✔ Chemical waste: packaging with uncured residual content and uncured product residue.
✔ Construction waste: do you have leftover product residue? Then collect it, mix both components and let it harden.

You can order special cleaning agents from us for the maintenance of laying concrete.


Do you have questions about laying concrete ciré? Consult the product data sheets on our site or go to our ‘Frequently asked questions‘ section.

Can’t find an answer to your question? Please contact us.


Because our products are often applied under circumstances beyond our control, the application of the paint products is always your own responsibility. Our advice with regard to the application is given to the best of our knowledge and is only intended as non-binding instructions. We cannot guarantee more than the quality of the product itself.

We believe that the application/processing of the products ordered by you is carried out by or under the direction of a professional/experience expert and that the person familiarizes himself with our manual and SDS.

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